Friday, January 11, 2013

What a day!


We had our meeting with the ICBF, Claudia's psychologist and her social worker.  My oh my do they love this girl and are SO happy she has a home!  We learned more about her past, her likes and dislikes as well as what has happened since she entered her foster home.  We got a CD of 200 pictures of her past although we have not had a second to go through it.  Over the next several days we have so much to do, to learn, to translate and simply to go through.  We will be learning about Claudia the whole time!  Of course there is a lot that we cannot discuss about her but I will tell you about her personality.

This girl is ACTIVE!  She may not be able to walk much yet but she moves around and loves to throw things, including any food she does not like!  The fist thing she did when she met Jason and I was to take off our glasses and throw them :)  This girl has quite an arm too!  When we got back to our hotel, her favorite game was to walk/run/fall between Jason and I.  It is good exercise! 

She has a little cold right now and we hope that it clears up quickly.  We also hope that she sleeps well, we have not had much luck getting her to go to bed tonight, she is overtired and fighting to stay awake.  I think she is upset about us putting her to bed instead of her foster family.  Please pray that she makes this transition smoothly and quickly. 

I will post more tomorrow but will leave you with a few pictures tonight.  We are very tired and need some rest.


  1. How exciting!! And what fun, getting to know your new daughter! Sounds like you will definitely be keeping busy! Just keep loving on her - she's a cutie!

  2. She is beautiful! Your JOY is contagious. I found myself grinning from ear to ear at the last photo :)

  3. Hooray! I am so happy for you, she is amazing!!! Hang in the mom and dad, you will get through all of the crazy paperwork and errands! Congratulations, we will keep you in our prayers as you get to know your sweet girl.
