Friday, August 17, 2012

Sweet Opportunity

We have been blessed by so many people along this journey, friends, family, and complete strangers.  Another has stepped forward with a lovingly sweet opportunity to bless our family and to bless our daughter.

Along our adoption journey, I have met a woman named Brenda.  Brenda is the owner of Masterpiece Quilts (visit her shop: HERE or her website HERE.)  Brenda has a beautiful daughter, Emily who has Down syndrome.  Masterpiece quilts is a two woman team of Brenda and Emily.  The Masterpiece in the name is Emily.  Emily picks out the colors and patterns of the quilts and Brenda quilts them.  Each quilt is an amazing work of love and shows the inseparable bond between a mother and daughter.  If you look closely, each quilt has one square that is slightly different than the others.

Brenda has offered to make our beautiful Claudia a custom quilt of her very own!  The quilts cost $85.  Here is where you come in.  Brenda has said that if we can raise the $85 she will not only make a quilt for Claudia, but will also donate $42.50 to our account!  What a blessing!  We are trying to get the $85 raised in one week, by Friday the 24th of August.  Can we do it?

I am adding a special Chip-in just for the quilt. 

If you feel led, please consider donating $5 or $10 for this quilt to be made for Claudia.

Thank you all for your continued prayers and blessings.


  1. hi i donated because your little girl is soo cute..plse show us her blankie when its done..

  2. Thank you Nicole! Yes, we will definately post a picture of it! Hopefully one of her sleeping under it too!
