Thursday, March 7, 2013

Busy week

Claudia has had a busy week!

I have not had a lot of school this week so Claudia has gotten lots of mommy time in.  It is so nice to get to spend time with my girl, not always easy but so worth it.  She has been extra cuddly lately and I love it!

On Tuesday she had her first visit with the pediatrician.  Poor girl needed 3 vaccinations to start getting caught up.  She did not like that one bit!  We had a long wait to see the doc so she was getting pretty antsy and frustrated by the time he came in to see her.  She does not like to sit still!  He asked if she smiled much... Well, she would if she was not so frustrated from waiting around in one room for almost an hour!  YES, she does smile!  She smiles so much more now than probably ever before.  In Colombia, the people are very stoic, so I don't think she saw many people smiling and that was part of the problem.  Anyway...  She has referrals to see 4 specialists and we are getting  LOT of lab work done today.  My girl is getting put through the ringer!

Claudia has great teeth but they want us to see a pediatric dentist soon.  She has to see an endocrinologist in the near future, a cardiologist and an opthamologist!  Thankfully I have spring break coming up, I know what I will be doing...

On Wednesday, Claudia got to play with her new friends Zachary and Benji.  She still is learning how to be gentle while playing with toys and other children, so i always feel bad when she goes for their hair!  Thankfully, my friends are understanding, I just hope we can help her through this stage quickly!!!  Before we wnet to see her new friends, Benji had a therapy session so he was tired for the visit but was enthralled by Claudia and did his best to play alongside her.  I hope these two get to be great friends!  Below are some pics and a video of Claudia and Benji on their play date:


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