Wednesday, December 19, 2012

We Got A Date!

We were informed by our adoption agency that the ICBF has set up an appointment for us to meet Claudia.  As I was typing this post for the first time, we were to meet her on the 17th but we were able to get that date to changed so now we will get to her country on January 9th or 10th and meet Claudia on the 11th!  That is less than one month away!  We will meet her along with her psychologist and social worker that have been working with her.  They will let us know all they can about her.  We may even be blessed enough to get a book from her foster family describing her likes and dislikes.  There is s tiny chance that we may be able to speak to her foster mother as well.  We will get to ask any questions we might have and then Claudia is to stay with us at our hotel for the "bonding period."  Our agency has tried to prepare us for Claudia's mourning of her foster family.  I do not think that anything will prepare me for that.  I pray it is not terrible, that we are able to comfort her and that she will bond quickly with us.  We have been warned that she may be inconsolable for the first few days, that is going to be heartbreaking for us, not to mention Claudia.  We pray that her transition into a forever family is smooth. 

We have to send out a big check today to our agency to pay for her Visa, courier fees and additional fees for our documents to be translated as our first set of documents sent to her country have now expired.  Could you please keep our financial situation in your prayers.  Our agency is unsure of how long Jason will have to remain in-country due to the recent strike of the judicial system.  The courts open back up on January 15th and our agency says we should be prepared to have to stay in country longer.  The longer we are in country, the more expensive it will be.  As of right now we are about $8000 short as we have had several of additional expenses since documents have expired.  We would appreciate your prayers and help spreading the word about our financial aid.  We hate to be a burden on others but we cannot do this on our own.  Thank you all so much for your support.  It is truly paying off, we are almost there!  Thank you all!

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