Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Thanksgiving and beyond

Things have been going pretty good around here lately.  We are really starting to figure out our schedule and routine.  We have been able to go out and do more over the last few weeks and that has been really nice!
We got Claudia's school pictures back just before Thanksgiving and were pleasantly surprised. We were not sure how well she would do, but I think she did just fine!

We had a relatively quiet Thanksgiving at my grandmothers house.  Claudia had lots of fun playing on the stairs, up and down...repeat...  She is getting quite strong!  Claudia ate about as much as I did at Thanksgiving dinner, she ate everything on her plate from turkey, potatoes, coleslaw, green bean casserole, ambrosia salad, black olives and stuffing!  Then she shared a yummy pumpkin dessert with me!  She certainly goes through phases where she wants to eat, eat, eat and then other times where she won't eat much at all.  Perhaps we are in for another growth spurt?


The weekend following Thanksgiving we had the pleasure of meeting up with Natalie and Sara Keller at a localish play house with lots of bouncing fun!  The girls loved it!  They had a huge (for Claudia) slide that Claudia quickly learned to climb up (and down) by herself.  She did go down the slide part as well.  She loved watching the other kids going up and down it as well.  Claudia did so good with the other kids, I was so proud of her!  The trouble came when I had to take her away from the slide, even though she was exhausted and laying down on it she was very upset that we were leaving.  After the play place we went to Moe's for dinner.  It was quite good food, Claudia agreed but she was more interested in drinking, the playing made her really thirsty.  It was a great time getting to hang out with friends and getting out of the house.
On Sunday we started our Christmas decorating.  When we moved into our new house, there was a small Christmas tree left behind, we decided to put up 2 trees and to let Claudia help with the smaller one.  Sorry for the poor picture and video quality...


This is what I get when I ask her to stand by the tree... her back haha!

I am so excited for Claudia's first Christmas home!!!

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